Oversized gas trucks a concern in Lehman

Posted: September 21

CAMILLE FIOTI Times Leader CorrespondentLEHMAN TWP. — Issues involving the oversized gas drilling company trucks traveling through the township were discussed at Monday’s board of supervisors meeting. Tony Rutchauskas said he read a recent local news article about gas trucks that were too high to clear utility wires hanging over the township roadways. He said the wires had to be moved by hand for the trucks to pass through.

 “They failed to study the route,” Rutchauskas said of the gas company.

 Susan Rutchauskas asked if the township is responsible for maintaining the wires. Supervisor Dave Sutton said the utility that owns the wires is responsible for them.

 Joe Rutchauskas voiced concerns about a recent incident involving a large flat-bed truck owned by EnCana Gas Co. that was too large to navigate through the intersection of Ide and Meeker roads, thus blocking a school bus. He asked the board if someone from the gas company could direct traffic when its trucks need help clearing a turn.

 Supervisor Doug Ide said EnCana officials contacted James McGovern, superintendent of the Lake-Lehman School District, as soon as the incident occurred. Ide said he would request EnCana to provide its own traffic control personnel for the future.

 Catherine Tasco asked if the district has a system to notify parents in the event of a school bus delay. Supervisor Ray Iwanoski said he wasn’t sure what system the district used, but that school officials were involved with the traffic planning regarding gas company traffic routes.

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 Copyright:  The Times Leader