Posts Tagged ‘Erika Staaf’

Activists advocate gas drilling regulations

PennEnvironment group wants to ensure water, land isn’t damaged by natural gas exploration.

CBy Rory
Staff Writer

According to a state environmental advocacy group, Pennsylvania needs to do more to ensure that gas drilling creating profits today won’t end up like the coal mining of yesterday that left a costly environmental legacy for the next generation.

In a recent report, PennEnvironment outlined various changes it recommends to the state’s approach to the drilling industry.

They include: strengthening clean-water laws and regulatory tools; making sensitive public lands off limits to drilling and instituting a severance tax on the extracted gas.

“I think we’ve leased out too much state forest land,” said state Rep. Greg Vitali, D-Delaware County, who attended a teleconference last week.

He added that it’s “irresponsible” to lease more until the production is taxed.

“It’s only political influence … that’s kept the Marcellus Shale from being taxed,” he said.

He hoped to get such a tax in the next state budget cycle.

At issue is how to best oversee the increased drilling in the gas-laden shale, which is about a mile underground throughout much of northern and western Pennsylvania. While the state Department of Environmental Protection has promised increased oversight, a rash of issues at various drilling sites has residents concerned that companies will strip out the gas and leave pollution in their wake.

The report lists various regulatory changes PennEnvironment believes would minimize the potential realization of those fears.

“We disagree with the idea that dilution is the solution,” said Brady Russell of the Clean Water Action organization.

He suggested that drilling companies should foot the estimated $300 bill for landowners to get baseline water testing before drilling begins because it can be difficult for landowners to find that money.

The report also calls for better right-to-know laws to force drillers to release the kinds and amounts of chemicals they use and account for the water they consume, while providing for public input that includes allowing health officials opportunities to review proposed permits.

The report also suggests rewriting the municipal code to give local officials primacy over state law for siting wells, which would overrule a recent state Supreme Court decision.

Regarding regulations, the report suggests expanding buffer zones around streams where drilling is prohibited and account for cumulative impacts of drilling when considering additional well permits.

The report calls for banning wastewater discharge to publicly owned treatment works and requiring recycling and reuse of all flow-back wastewater, while setting zero-discharge limits at treatment facilities.

While the report doesn’t address the threat of concentrating naturally radioactive refuse from the drilling process – an issue of concern in New York as the state considers regulations for drilling – Erika Staaf of PennEnvironment said the issue hasn’t come up in Pennsylvania because it doesn’t seem that anyone has tested for it yet.

Rory Sweeney, a Times Leader staff writer, may be reached at 970-7418.

Copyright: Times Leader