Posts Tagged ‘gas exploration’
Mundy sees drilling moratorium unlikely
The Luzerne County legislator has higher hopes for another bill related to drilling.
By Andrew M.
Times Leader Staff Writer
State Rep. Phyllis Mundy said her proposal to establish a one-year moratorium on the issuance of new permits for drilling in the Marcellus Shale formation is well intentioned, but she does not believe it has the support of enough of her colleagues to be passed this year.
“The moratorium bill is a long shot,” Mundy, D-Kingston, said on Thursday, responding to questions related to two bills and a resolution she introduced on Wednesday. The three were referred Thursday to the state House Committee on Environmental Resources and Energy.
House Bill 2608 would prohibit natural gas drilling companies that use fracking, or horizontal drilling, from drilling wells within 2,500 feet of a primary source of supply for a community water system, such as a lake or reservoir. The current restriction is only 100 feet.
That bill gained the largest number of cosponsors, including the other six state representatives who serve Luzerne County: Karen Boback, R-Harveys Lake; Mike Carroll, D-Avoca; Eddie Day Pashinski, D-Wilkes-Barre; Todd Eachus, D-Butler Township; Jim Wansacz, D-Old Forge; and John Yudichak, D-Plymouth Township. In total, the bill has 47 cosponsors, and Mundy.
She said that legislation has the best chance of being approved, but it will likely have to be offered as an amendment to another bill.
House Resolution 864, if approved, would urge the U.S. Congress to pass the Fracturing Responsibility and Awareness of Chemicals (FRAC) Act. The resolution urges Congress to repeal a provision in the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, known as the “Halliburton loophole,” that exempts oil and gas drilling industries from restrictions on hydraulic fracturing near drinking water sources.
The act would also require oil and gas industries to disclose all hydraulic fracturing chemicals and chemical constituents currently considered proprietary rights of the company.
That resolution has the support of Mundy and 43 of her colleagues who signed on as cosponsors. Eachus, Pashinski, Wansacz and Boback were the other Luzerne County representatives who signed on as cosponsors.
House Bill 2609 seeks to establish a one-year moratorium on the issuance of new natural gas drilling permits, which Mundy said would give state officials more time to analyze the drilling industry and ensure proper protections are in place and if they’re not, what measures should be enacted.
That bill received the cosponsor support of 18 of Mundy’s colleagues, but of her fellow Luzerne County Caucus members, only Pashinski signed his name as a cosponsor. Two Lackawanna County-based state House members signed on, Kevin Murphy, D-Scranton, and Ed Staback, D-Sturges. They were among a handful of House members who signed their names as cosponsors to all three measures.
Mundy’s opponent in November, Republican Bill Goldsworthy, said the 20-year lawmaker is using Marcellus Shale exploration “to help her re-election campaign.”
“First Ms. Mundy votes to increase spending and pay for it with a new tax on gas drilling, then turns around and calls for that drilling to stop. This is the type of political double-talk that has gotten our state where we are today,” said Goldsworthy in a written statement.
Goldsworthy, the mayor of West Pittston, said he supports gas exploration, as long as it is done in an environmentally responsible manner.
“I do not think a moratorium would pass the House at this point, let alone the Senate. Perhaps a few more disasters will change people’s minds,” Mundy said, continuing to voice frustration with the way things work in Harrisburg that she expressed at a House Transportation Committee field hearing in Scranton two weeks ago. At that time, speaking about the gaping hole in the transportation budget and the state of disrepair of hundreds of roadways and bridges throughout the state, she quipped “We in Pennsylvania don’t do anything unless there’s a crisis.”
In addition to Mundy, Pashinski, Staback and Murphy, only 14 representatives signed their names as cosponsors on all three pieces.
Copyright: Times Leader
Greenfield considers zoning change for gas drilling
By Libby A. Nelson (Staff Writer)
Published: May 28, 2010
Families appealed decision
GREENFIELD TWP. – A decision on the fate of the first Marcellus Shale natural-gas well in Lackawanna County will be delayed for up to 45 days, as the township’s zoning board considers arguments over a zoning change that allowed the drilling.
Exco Resources (PA) Inc., a gas exploration company formerly named Exco-North Coast Energy Resources, drilled the well in late September and October. In December, a resident complained to township supervisors that the land where the well was located, on Route 247 adjacent to the Skyline Golf Course, was not zoned to permit gas drilling.
The family that owned the land requested a zoning change from commercial recreational to rural agricultural, which would permit drilling as a conditional use, and Exco agreed to stop work until the question was resolved.
The board of supervisors unanimously approved the zoning change in March. A group of six families opposed to the drilling appealed the decision, arguing in a hearing Thursday night that the change was an example of “spot zoning” and should not be permitted.
Spot zoning occurs when a municipality rezones a small parcel of land to permit uses that are not allowed on similar land in the surrounding area. Greenfield’s zoning law permits drilling in rural agricultural zones, but opponents of the change said that the drilling is at odds with the township’s rural atmosphere.
“In my opinion, it is not a compatible use,” said Marvin Brotter, a planning expert who testified that he believed the ordinance constituted spot zoning. “I would not want that use next to my residence.”
In Susquehanna County, drilling has ruined roads and produced “disturbing” dust and noise, said Victoria Switzer, who was party to a lawsuit over contamination allegedly caused by gas drilling near Dimock.
“It’s a total industrialization of a rural community,” Ms. Switzer said.
About 35 people, including some who testified, attended the appeal. The zoning board has 45 days to issue a written decision.
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Copyright: The Times-Tribune
Gas exploration of state forest land has some concerned
Governor’s office announced this week a plan to allow Anadarko Petroleum to access 32,896 acres.
By Steve
Staff Writer
Some state representatives are concerned about Gov. Ed Rendell’s decision to lease nearly 33,000 acres of state forest land to an energy company for natural gas exploration.
Rendell’s office on Tuesday announced that Anadarko Petroleum Corp. has paid the commonwealth $120 million to access 32,896 acres of state forest through a natural gas lease agreement with the state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.
Prior to a presentation on the state Department of Environmental Protection’s role in regulating natural gas drilling that she attended Tuesday at Misericordia University, state Rep. Phyllis Mundy said she was disappointed to learn of the lease transaction.
“The areas that could responsibly be leased in state forests are already under lease. Why don’t they go ahead and drill there? We don’t need additional drilling, certainly not until we look into whether this is the really sensitive habitat that DCNR said it was when we discussed it,” Mundy, D-Kingston, said.
But Mundy later qualified her comments, saying they were dependent on whether leasing that acreage was previously factored as revenue in this year’s state budget. “I’m really not clear on what 32,000 acres that was,” she said.
Rendell’s press release on Tuesday did not clearly specify whether revenue from this most recent lease agreement had previously been factored into the state budget. DCNR had leased about 32,000 acres of state forest land to Anadarko in January for $128 million.
Mundy co-sponsored legislation to impose a moratorium on leasing state forest land for natural gas exploration. House Bill 2235 passed in the House and is before the state Senate.
State Rep. Karen Boback, R-Harveys Lake, who also attended the presentation at Misericordia and voted in favor of the moratorium, said she too had a problem with the lease if the revenue had not been previously included in the state budget.
Both representatives have been outspoken in their concern about potentially harmful effects of natural gas drilling on the environment and have been advocating for stronger laws and regulations to protect public heath and safety and drinking water supplies from potential contamination from gas drilling accidents.
DCNR Press Secretary Chris Novak said Wednesday the specific amount of acreage wasn’t included in this year’s budget or specified in Rendell’s 2010-11 proposal, but legislators had agreed during negotiations for this year’s budget that $180 million for the 2010-11 budget would come from oil and gas leases.
Novak said Rendell had a target of $60 million in revenue from leasing out the 32,000 acres of forest in January, but realized $128 million. That extra $68 million would be applied to the 2010-11 budget, she said.
DCNR also leased 74,000 acres of forest for natural gas exploration in September 2008. A total of 725,000 acres of the state’s 2.2 million acres of forest land has been leased for gas drilling, Novak said.
In addition to the up-front lease payments, which are considered rent for the first year of the leases, the state will receive 18 percent royalties on all natural gas produced on the land for the leases signed this month and in January. The royalty for the September 2008 lease is 16 percent.
Rent for the second through fifth years drops to $20 per acre and then increases to $35 per acre for year six and beyond, Novak said.
Novak said DCNR looked at whether important habitat for rare or endangered species and recreational use would be impacted when designing the leases. She said leases for each of the 11 tracts specify areas that cannot be disturbed by drilling.
She estimated that because of new horizontal drilling techniques and the fact that the newly leased land is surrounded by land that had been leased previously, only a minimal amount of newly leased land – probably about 300 acres total – will be impacted by drilling activities.
Anadarko spokesman Matt Carmichael would not estimate how much land would be disturbed because it was too early in the development phase.
“It’s our hope and desire to disturb as little surface area as possible,” Carmichael said.
Anadarko has drilled about 15 wells on state forest land to date, he said.
Novak said that prior to drilling activities and after the drilling is complete and wellheads are installed, the public will have full access to the leased land.
Mundy and Boback were not available for comment Wednesday after Novak responded to questions related to state budget revenue and the disturbance of sensitive state forest habitat.
Copyright: Times Leader
Drilling under river is OK’d in Bradford Co.
By ANDREW MAYKUTH The Philadelphia Inquirer
The state Department of Conservation and Natural Resources signed a $6.15 million agreement Monday with Chesapeake Energy Corp., giving the company the right to drill the Marcellus Shale under a seven-mile stretch of the Susquehanna River in Bradford County.
Under the lease, which applies to 1,500 acres of river between Towanda and the Wyoming County line, Chesapeake is permitted to access the shale with wells drilled on either side of the river. No well bores will penetrate the river itself.
Horizontal-drilling technology makes drilling for gas beneath the waterway feasible. With wells that reach laterally for thousands of feet, operators can capture gas under a large area from a remote location.
The state Department of Environmental Protection says that under-river gas exploration poses no more risk than any of the 1,400 other wells drilled into the Marcellus formation, which is a mile below the surface. The lease is separate from the state’s offering in January of 32,000 acres of state forests, which generated $128.5 million to help close the state budget gap.
The $6.15 million raised by the Susquehanna River lease will help keep open 24 state parks that had been threatened with closure because of the budget crisis, said Christina Novak, DCNR spokeswoman.
DCNR’s Susquehanna River lease may conjure memories of the 1959 Knox Mine disaster in the Port Griffith section of Jenkins Township, when the Susquehanna broke through a coal mine that was dug just below the river bottom. A dozen miners died in the flood.
Geologists say subsidence is not an issue with gas exploration. The well bores are only a few inches in diameter.
Copyright: Times Leader
Much of Back Mt. leased
Partnership of two energy companies lines up area covering over 25,000 acres in the Back Mountain for gas exploration.
By Jerry
Business Writer
Just a few sites have been approved for natural gas drilling in Luzerne County, but a partnership of two energy companies has signed leases for more than 25,000 acres, primarily in the Back Mountain, to explore the Marcellus Shale formation that runs underneath.

Since September, Whitmar Exploration Co., of Denver, Colo., has been signing leases with property owners in nine townships and Harveys Lake borough. The company has been working with EnCana Oil & Gas USA Inc. in a joint venture to develop the properties. EnCana holds a 75 percent interest in the leases and is responsible for drilling.
Whitmar wanted to partner with an experienced operator, said Wendy Wiedenbeck, a public and community relations adviser for EnCana.
“This is what we do,” said Wiedenbeck. “We have a team working on this project that possesses deep experience gained from working on similar projects across North America.”
EnCana received approval Tuesday from the Luzerne County Zoning Hearing Board to sink a well in Lake Township and set up a natural gas metering station in Fairmount Township. In April, Lehman Township officials approved drilling for another well.
Wiedenbeck on Wednesday confirmed a map provided to The Times Leader was one EnCana prepared for the Back Mountain Community Partnership to show the extent of the leaseholds.
She cautioned that “the map is quite dated,” having been created in February. Whitmar has signed additional leases into April, according to a search of the county property database.
Wiedenbeck said EnCana’s presence will grow in the region. “As we move forward, EnCana is acquiring new leases.”
When pieced together, the leases cover large swatches of land in the largely rural northern and western sections of the county. The leaseholds range in size from under 1 acre to over 100 acres.
Fairmount Township had the most coverage with approximately 7,500 acres leased, according to the map. Lehman and Ross townships each had nearly 4,300 acres leased; Lake Township, close to 2,600 acres; Jackson Township, 2,400 acres; Huntington Township, 1,400 acres; Dallas Township, 1,300 acres; Hunlock Township, 700 acres; Union Township, 400 acres; Plymouth Township, 200 acres; and Harveys Lake, 50 acres.
The region has also attracted the attention of another major player in the natural gas industry.
Chesapeake Energy Corp. has signed 93 leases since August 2007. More than two-thirds of them were filed this year, according to county property records.
Copyright: Times Leader
Forum airs citizens’ drilling concerns
Coalition explores possible downside of gas exploration.
By Steve
Staff Writer
DALLAS – A Back Mountain-dominated crowd that packed Dallas United Methodist Church on Wednesday night learned about the down side of natural gas drilling.
In a presentation titled, “A Look into the Future – the Landscape of Northeastern Luzerne County After Drilling Starts,” the Luzerne County-based Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition presented a documentary film with commentary from people living in gas-drilling areas of Colorado and local speakers who have familiarized themselves with health and environmental aspects associated with drilling.
The presentation is relevant locally because EnCana Gas & Oil has leased tens of thousands of acres of land in the northern part of the county and exploratory drilling is expected on one to three sites by June.
Coalition member Leanne Mazurick, of Dallas Township, introduced the film, in which Colorado residents shared experiences with drilling.
“They are just having no consideration for the people who live here. We are expendable,” one woman in the film said.
A man noted that every well drilled means 200 to 300 trucks traveling in and out of a community during the drilling process. “Air pollution, water pollution or the chance of water pollution, social issues, economic issues, the infrastructure is not keeping up.”
Another said the gas business “sucked up our labor pool,” and led to increased violence and drug problems.
One Colorado resident encouraged citizens to educate themselves and to attend meetings such as Wednesday night’s. “The gas and oil industry thrives on your ignorance,” he said.
Vera Scroggins, who lives near Dimock Township, told meeting attendees “whatever you saw in that film, we have it in Susquehanna County. … We have 30 families who can’t drink their water because their wells are contaminated (with benzene),” she said, adding that the gas company drilling nearby denies responsibility, even though the company eventually provided water buffaloes to the families.
Dr. Gere Reisinger, of Kingston, said he owns 200 acres in Wyoming County and compared an energy company that began drilling a mile away to a terrorist because of the noise involved. He fears the 100 artesian wells and trout stream on his land are now in jeopardy
Dr. Tom Jiunta, a founding coalition member, said a major concern is that wells planned in the Back Mountain are less than two miles from the Huntsville and Ceaseville reservoirs, and their pollution would be disastrous.
Several people said the state should impose a moratorium on drilling as New York did until an environmental impact study can be completed.
State Rep. Karen Boback, R-Harveys Lake, and state Sen. Lisa Baker, R-Dallas, encouraged residents to urge legislators to vote for legislation aimed at protecting communities from drilling accidents and exploitation.
Baker said any severance tax revenue should stay in communities to address safety and infrastructure issues rather than “be in a pipeline to Harrisburg.”
Copyright: Times Leader
State, gas drillers discuss water, land protection
DEP ordered partial shutdown of 2 drilling sites for not having permits.
By Rory
Staff Writer
HARRISBURG – Reacting to regulation violations and some activities by companies exploring for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale, state environmental regulators on Friday held an unprecedented summit with gas drillers to define expectations for water and land protection.
The meeting came about a week after regulators took steps to rein in the burgeoning exploration industry and its increasing demand for water. The Susquehanna River Basin Commission warned drillers they needed water-withdrawal permits, and the state Department of Environmental Protection ordered the partial shutdown of two drilling sites for not having such permits.
Citing Pennsylvania’s coal and oil past and current commitment to renewable energies, DEP Secretary Kathleen McGinty assured the state “likes energy” and is “not allergic” to the effort required to extract it, but cautioned that her department will expend as much energy to protect the environment and natural resources.
“This is not about sending a signal that we don’t want to be a partner,” she said. “It’s just about some good rules for the road.”
Experts have known about the Marcellus Shale layer, which runs from upstate New York into Virginia and touches northern Luzerne County, for decades. They believe it contains enough recoverable gas to supply America’s natural gas demand for two years. However, technology has only recently advanced enough to tap the shale, which lies as much as 8,000 feet below the surface.
J. Scott Roberts, DEP deputy secretary in the Office of Mineral Resources Management, announced additions to the agency’s usual drilling permit specifically for Marcellus Shale that include detailed estimates of water use.
Paul Swartz, the river basin commission’s executive director, said companies need to make timely applications and factor the permitting process into their drilling timelines. Two permits were approved at the commission’s meeting on Thursday, he said, but another 84 – about a year’s worth of work – still await approval. Though there is a water-use threshold for requiring a permit, he said any work in the Marcellus would exceed that threshold and require a permit.
Exploration in the Marcellus is unlike gas exploration elsewhere in the state because deposits are vastly deeper, mostly unproven and necessary infrastructure, such as pipelines and water-treatment facilities, does not exist.
As energy prices continue to rise, drilling in the deep shale has become more enticing. DEP issued a record number of permits in 2004, 2005 and 2006. The rise leveled off in 2007 with 7,241 permits. So far in 2008, 2,510 have been issued.
Copyright: Times Leader
Gas lease interest leads to owners holding on to land
Real-estate pros say chance of lucrative deals causing less land to be available for sale.
By Rory
Staff Writer
Listings for land are virtually nonexistent in northern Luzerne and Wyoming counties, thanks to landowners hoping to cash in on natural-gas leasing rights.
“If people want to come up to buy land, there’s really not much to show them, if anything. And that’s a factor of the gas situation,” said Donna LaBar, who owns Century 21 Sherlock Homes Inc. offices in Clarks Summit and Tunkhannock.
It’s an unfavorable situation for anyone hoping to join in on the profits from gas exploration in the area. Companies are banking that a vast, but deep, layer of rock called Marcellus Shale contains natural gas deposits.
Landowners in Wyoming County and other northern counties have been offered $2,500 per acre to sign away the gas rights. Those offers have skyrocketed with recent drilling success.
In January, some landowners signed for just hundreds of dollars per acre.
Early estimates hold that the amount of gas that potentially could be extracted from the entire layer, which stretches from upstate New York to Virginia, including parts of Luzerne County, could fulfill the country’s natural gas consumption for two years.
The deposits have been known for decades, but technology only recently has improved enough to make extraction economically feasible.
LaBar, a real-estate broker since 1984, said prices in the residential market are holding steady and properties are available.
“The normal market, which would just be the residential sales market, is still pretty much normal. Average market for this time of year,” she said.
However, the number of available tracts larger than 5 acres drops off significantly, she said. “People just aren’t really selling their land right now because they’re looking forward to royalties for the gas leases,” LaBar said.
The effect is more pronounced at her Tunkhannock office, she said. “It’s mostly the northern tier,” she said.
Several Luzerne County real-estate agents said land is still available in northern townships, such as Franklin and Lake, where shale deposits are predicted.
The industry is in its infancy, and few landowners who’ve signed up have actually seen royalty checks. However, if the deposit is anything like the Barnett Shale in Texas that it’s being compared to, drilling could become lucrative. Barnett has proven results, and The Dallas Morning News recently reported that leases are being signed near Fort Worth for $25,000 per acre.
LaBar said local landowners are now viewing their land differently. Before, it was simply an investment that had a tax liability.
Now, she said, “it could be actually an income asset for them, and it’s all yet to be seen.”
Rory Sweeney, a Times Leader staff writer, may be reached at 970-7418.
Copyright: Times Leader